Monday, December 7, 2009

I Guess This Is The Female 50

Doing Soulja Boy didnt work so this what she does...

Seems like the video model turned femcee, Angel Lola Luv has taken a page out of 50 Cent's Guide to Self Promotion. She's only just begun in this rap circle, and she's calling her fellow artists out, in a really tongue-in-cheek sort of way. The easiest way to get people talking about you is to go at the head of someone who's in a better and bigger position than you. Miss Lola (now known as Lola Monroe) has gone public in taking offense to being called a Nicki Minaj knockoff. In an All Hip Hop interview, Monroe responds smarmily:

"I don't do the Barbie thing -- that's her thing," LoLa said in an interview. "I really don't agree with it, that's basic. It doesn't make sense to me because first off, you're basically saying I'm jacking somebody who has never been known to have their style all throughout their career. She's never been set to have her own style. It's always been set to say she's jacking Lil' Kim to Foxy [Brown] and now Lil Wayne. So how can I be jacking somebody or using somebody's style if they never been known to have their own style. That part never made sense. That's one. Another thing, it kind of comes from Wayne is in the foundation of my music and what I've listened to him for years and years. So you can hear his styles in my music. And you know, that's her mentor and that's somebody whom she's under and so she's known to sound like Wayne. That's all they say about her now. I believe the similarities may have come from that but besides that, I have my own style, I have my own lane. She does what she does, ya feel me?"

There aren't that many female rappers out currently for them to be beefing with one another, which seems to be exactly what Lola is trying to start...

Eh-em, can you say publicity.
Shouts Out: HipHopBlog