Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Doin’ Lines: Drake fills in ALL the blanks

This is some real shit. Drake sits down with XXL and fills in all the blanks. You can find this in XXL’s December ‘09/January ‘10 issue. Be sure to go cop it! What # is your favourite line? #19 is heartbreaking… no pun.

1. While Lil Wayne is gone I will hold that shit down.

2. My solo debut album will be different from So Far Gone because I now have a different story to tell.

3. I wasn’t on XXL’s freshmen cover last year, and I was happy because it showed me what my team could do in one year.

4. Kanye West is one of a kind.

5. I like to put Lox and Light Cream Cheese on my bagel.

6. My mom said, “I remember her” when she saw my “Best I Ever Had” video.

7. I need a girl who understands life better than I do.

8. If I signed to Cash Money in 1999, instead of 2009, I would still have my original Cash Money chain.

9. The one thing I miss about Toronto, compared to anywhere else, is feeling so far away from my dreams.

10. TV groupies are different from hip-hop groupies because they don’t exist.

11. One thing I haven’t bought yet that I want to buy is patio furniture.

12. The greatest piece of advice I ever got was to write it all down as it happen, because eventually you become numb to it, and I got that from TIP.

13. When people compare my buzz to 50 Cent’s , I think, he’s gonna get ANNNNNGGGRRYY, like the Hulk.

14. I think weed is a nice occasional escape.

15. Fuck bitches, get money.

16. People thought I was dating Rihanna, and that was semi-true.

17. I’m scared to death of dying.

18. I love women who love money, unfortunately.

19. Kandice Henry broke my heart.

20. My most-prized possession is your girlfriend’s heart.

Via: ATF

Am I the only one who caught number 16...hmmmm.