Wednesday, November 25, 2009

I Guess Ri-Ri's Plan Did'nt Work.

If you have any last minute gifts to buy for some of your friends or family members, make sure you pick up Rihanna's new album Rated R- it'll be.99 cents!

Mediatakeout says that Def Jam is in panic mode because Rihanna's album isn't selling. It could be the recession, or that Ms. Ri Ri has gone so dark that people don't understand her music and don't know what to expect. In an effort to save face, "Def Jam marked down her album price to $3.99 on Amazon...and they are having a meeting to decide whether to sell it as a .99 cent special on black Friday."

Even if the record doesn't sell at least she's still considered a style icon.

See God don't like Ri-Ri, sorry ugly. She tried to throw Chris Brown under the bus to sell her album and i guess it hasn't work out the way she planned.